

"Reading makes a complete man, communication makes a deceitful man, and composition makes a precision man."
MJ GLOBAL ACADEMY Communicates with Training


University Entrants Status for 2020



20-04-29 13:09

University Entrants Status for 2020 

University Entrants Status for 2020 

Yu, Jian: Iowa State University Aerospace Engineering

Song, Taeun: SUNY Stonybrook Computer Science

Kim, Sehwan: Iowa State University Hospitality Management

Lee, Dogyu: Purdue University Hospitality Management

Song, Yeongmin: Alfred State College

This is the result of the children who came to MJ Global Academy and became family when they were middle and high school students and studied hard as much as they could until now.

Please continue to support and congratulate MJ students so that they can become a great college student.

They are the proud children of MJ Global Academy.

Thank you.

The student Yu, Jian has been accepted by 5 universities and entered Iowa State University.

The student Song, Taeun has been accepted by 4 universities and entered SUNY Stonybrook.


The student Lee, Dogyu has been accepted by 4 universities and entered Purdue University.

The student Kim, Sehwan has been accepted by 3 universities and entered Iowa State University.

The student Song, Yeongmin has been accepted and entered Alfred State College with scholarship of $24,000.



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